Singing Guide: Emmylou Harris

Singing Guide: Emmylou Harris

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing like Emmylou Harris

Emmylou Harris is a legendary artist whose unique voice and singing style have captured the hearts of music fans for decades. Her singing style can be described as pure, clear, and angelic, with a hint of drawl and nasal tone that gives her voice its unique character. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to learn singing like Emmylou Harris.

Understand Your Voice Type

The first step in learning to sing like Emmylou Harris is to understand your own voice type. Emmylou Harris is known for her high-range vocals, and you need to determine if you have a similar range. You can take Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine the range of your voice. Once you know your range, you can start to practice your pitching and vocal range.

Practice Breath Control

Breath control is a critical part of singing like Emmylou Harris. You need to work on your breathing techniques to have a clear voice and pure tone. Singing Carrots' Breath Support guide can offer help with this. By practicing breathing exercises and focusing on your breath control, you can achieve the same clarity and pureness as Emmylou Harris's vocals.

Master Your Head Voice

Emmylou Harris's singing style uses a lot of head voice, which is the higher range of your vocal register. To sing in a head voice as she does, you need to practice using your head voice while singing. Singing Carrots' guide on Voice Registers explains head voice technique in detail. With plenty of practice, you can develop a strong head voice and sing in the high range like Emmylou Harris.

Learn from Her Songs

Emmylou Harris has a vast catalog of songs, and many of them showcase her unique style. We can learn a lot from her songs, so let's take a closer look at some of her notable works:

  • Boulder to Birmingham: This song is a prime example of Harris's head voice technique and high-range vocals that showcase her clear, angelic voice. With its beautiful melody, this song is a great one to practice your head voice and range.
  • To Daddy: This song is a prime example of Harris's nasal tone. You can focus on the same technique by singing along with this beautiful song.
  • Making Believe: This song is a classic example of Harris's use of vibrato, which adds character to her sound with a distinct wobble on notes.

Practice with Singing Carrots

Singing Carrots has a range of resources that can help you learn to sing like Emmylou Harris. You can use the song search to find songs that match your range and genre preference. The Vocal Pitch Monitor can show you a virtual piano to monitor and train your pitch simultaneously while singing. And, the educational singing course covers the basis of singing theory and gives practical tips for mastering your vocals.


Emmylou Harris is a legendary musician whose voice has inspired many music lovers around the world. To sing like her, it's crucial to master breath control, head voice technique, and study her songs and style. By using Singing Carrots, you can explore her music, practice your vocals and develop the skills you need to learn this iconic singer's vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.